Me and Moe Money McCoy |
I was just going through my phone, looking for a number, and it hit me: some of my friends are a big deal. I mean, really, they all are, but some are intimidating, in a way. A lot of my buddies make things happen on a regular basis, but I talk to them so often, I'm used to it (you know who you are - Kofi, Terrance, Mark etc.). With some of them, though, I try not to wear out my welcome. A couple of bogus calls, and you'll be leaving voice messages from then on - you know what I'm talking about. I figured I'd do a quick post on my current top-ten list, in Chicago (in no particular order).
- Marshaun Williams - This is one well-connected dude - and talented. He always has something big going on, and is mad young. I'm impressed with his hustle.
- QDotcom - In my opinion, the most under-rated rapper in Chicago - and I think he knows it. He actually turned down a free music video offer from me because the concept was too small.
- Sheku Swaray and Timbucktu - Two people, but equal in respect from me. Their music and grind is incredible. Real talk, I'm a little star-struck.
- Juan Diaz - Possibly the only person more connected that Marshaun XD. This guy knows everybody, and is responsible for more of my personal connections than anyone in Chicago.
- B. Ford - THE BEST R&B-Rapper in Chicago - period. Not one of the best - the best. Anybody better, you gotta show me.
- Marcus East - I had no idea this guy had that kind of talent. I also didn't know he does the same thing I do, for a bigger company.
- Carla D - Networking at its best. She knows how to meet, and stay in contact with, the right people.
- J'mme Love - He will be a big-deal one day.
- Moe Money McCoy - I only met him by chance, and I still can't believe my luck (blessings). His resume smashes mine, and I could learn a lot from him.
- V.I.R.U. - This guy is a low-key big deal. He turns down record offers on a regular basis. His interview on uHeard had more views in one week, than all of the other videos, from day-one of uHeard, put together. And he didn't even push it.
Hit me back and let me know what you think, or if you put together a list - especially if I'm on it XD